Font Preview Trial - You Do Not Need to Purchase this listing.
*Click [personalize it] box and preview your text will look like in our labels.
You do not need to purchase this listing. This is only a preview. There is no product associated with this listing.
-The size and alignment of text will be adjusted for optimal appearance in final product.
-All text is center-aligned unless otherwise requested.
-Text can be bold, stretched or shrunken due to the amount of characters in each line or size of labels. For two or more lines, all lines are justified by seller unless otherwise requested
-Each line can be a different font. Please state which line is which font in the Add a Note Box at checkout.
This is a only preview and not a full representation of how the text will appear.
*** You can request digital proof to make sure your order will be exactly you want!
Request proof to 'add to note box' when you check out on Etsy site. We will send you a digital proof via Etsy conversation.
How much text can each label hold?
Small Labels = 8 Characters.
Medium Labels = Up to 2 lines, each with 11 character limit.
Long Labels = Up to 2 lines, each with 15 character limit.
Large Labels = Up 4 lines, each with 20 character limit.
X-Large Lables = Up to 4 lines, each with 20 character limit.
Circle Lables = Up to 3 lines, each with 10 character limit.